Thursday, November 30, 2023

So long November

I was really quite proud of myself for staying on task most of the day. I wasn't going anywhere that's for sure the only was it too cold my power chair is just real finicky right now and I want to stay close to home as much as possible. But I spent a good part of the morning finishing the letters as far as the dictation went then I decided I'd see what I can do for printing. I got the envelopes printed and then I actually figured out my tablet to the point where I could print right from my tablet to my main printer. The only issue I have now is that I don't have the cash I would like the stuff the envelopes for Christmas. Maybe tomorrow I can Dash too A Credit Union and get a number of twenties for the kids. I've got to be careful however and make sure they get to the actual people they're supposed to and not get taken by mail thieves. Thank goodness today we started back with our Thursday morning coffee group. It was not well attended however which is kind of a drag. We've missed two weeks with Thanksgiving and I can't remember the other reason maybe that's why however attendance was poor today. But the coffee was good and those who did show up we had some good conversation. I was yanked out early however because my technician my wheelchair technician showed up and I had to go to the apartment to show him the problem is I was having with the chair. It took a minute or two but I was able to finally show him the issue with the seat which seems to be disconnected from the main base of the power chair. Of course he's not going to be able to do anything to rectify the problem. I'm going to have to send the whole kit and Kaboodle into the shop again and who knows how long that's going to take. The good thing if there is anything from this whole scenario is that I'm learning the process a little bit better. My technician is a man of great patience and it's taking a lot of time and abuse and trying to school me on the proper way to work within his organization and get supports for my power chair. We did come to the conclusion not for the first time but I am super hard on my equipment. It's not my fault, he says, but it is me and I have to take some responsibility if not most of the responsibility. Chairs as fragile as these elevator chairs tend to be may not be the right mix for me. However I would have a hard time now trying to exist without an elevated chair. Being able to raise a couple feet like it does me certainly helps me through my day. So hopefully, bye next week I hope I have a chair that is functional again. So hopefully I'll have the letters folded in their envelopes tomorrow and stamped and just maybe I can get everything out by tomorrow evening. I would like to have had it done before the first of the month but some things just take time…

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