Saturday, February 14, 2009

Grim Indeed

Any more when the phone rings at home it is bad news or ends up being bad news—especially if the call is on the land line, not so much if the call is on the cell phone but the land line is trouble. A few minutes ago the phone rang and my grand daughter answered the phone. The caller was my old boss, the boss which hired me for the job I currently hold. I have been doing some work for here lately, some lectures for her graduate classes and other projects. Anyway she has a DVD she had developed on disability issues and needs my input on it. She wanted to know if she could drop the disc off tomorrow or the day after. “No problem” I said and that was that.

Our house is currently in “Holiday Mode” or not as straight as the house could be you know, just a little bit messy. The house is in no way available to receive anyone but immediate family and that is iffy. The former boss has indicated she will call before she comes over. What I am going to have to do is intercept her in the driveway long before she gets to the house. I hope I can pull this off. I am hoping tomorrow is fairly clear weather which will help me if I have to be out on the driveway other wide the remainder of th holiday weekend could be grim indeed.

1 comment:

Camelia said...

ha ha, I totally agree with you on "out of the ordinary" phone calls. For example, my mother NEVER calls, if she calls my phone it's because somebody's died. So whenever her picture comes up on my caller id my heart immediately drops into the pit of my stomach. But on a lighter note - did you see my awesome photos?!