Monday, February 02, 2009

A Little Help Please??

I don’t know what happened but the end of the month just sort of got away from me and before I knew it was the end of the month It was the weekend and I was away from the downtown area I usually inhabit at work. Usually the last week of the month I purchase the sticker which goes on my transit I.D. for the next. As you can see from the image it the sicker is small and a bit of am challenge if your fingers are infirmed in any way. Usually the awkwardness of the sticker is not an issue since the clerk whom sells me the sticker realizes I have dexterity issues and goes ahead and placed the sticker in a small in a small brown envelope along with the receipt I have to present to the State in order to be reimbursed. Really no big deal except for today, I cruised over to the downtown transit center over lunch. The person I usually purchase my pass from was having problems with her credit card reader so I went to the other receptionist. I ask for a sticker and dig my bank card from my back pack. She in turn takes one sticker and places the sticker on the counter in front of me. As most of you know I have quadriplegia which severely limits the movement and dexterity of my hands, so I wait there thinking that once I have paid for the sticker and placed my bank card back into my wallet. I looked up at her like a dog sitting in front of his dog dish waiting for some processed horse meat so I asked her if I could have one of those cool little envelopes to put my sticker in ? A light distantly flashes on and she whips one of the little brown envelopes down on the counter infront of me and I waited thinking she would scoop up the sticker and place the sticker into the little brown envelope—it was not going to happen So I asked if she would or could she place the sticker in one of the brown envelopes? She did one of those “Oh! Did you need something like that” takes—like this is what I do every month. I know this person has seen my process in the past. So she grabs the sticker stuffs it into the envelope. I sense now this is going to be a battle, I gird up my figurative loins and ask for the receipt—she dutifully whips out two small receipts. In the past the receptionist has also folded the receipts and stuffed them too into the little brown envelope. I decided to use the shame approach so I sat there trying to pathetically fold these two tiny pieces of paper to a size I could get them into the envelope but my gimped out fingers ere not going to let this happen. So I finally sheepishly looked up and asked for some help. Then she really did the “eye roll”, expelled a breath air like Mack truck setting its braked and snatched the receipts and envelope and stuffed and at last handed me the packet which I stuffed into my wallet and stuffed my wallet into the back pack and bolted for the door. Done for another month.

Chapman, who I work with, always reminds me that I could have this sticker sent to me in the mail if I were just to go on line and order it. This on line stuff just seems so complicated but after today I just might try it next month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Love, Linda