Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alone Again Naturally

The runaway bus called “Recession” finally came barreling down my street and hitting pedestrians I know including me. Yesterday the director called my partner into the office by clearing her voice (the director’s) and saying, “I have been dreading this and had hoped…” and then the door closed but I knew what was going down. ‘ Chapman, my faithful partner was getting mowed by the Recession bus, she was being down sized, laid off, RIFed , shown the door, or let go. No matter what you called it she is “gone baby gone” after June 30th, the end of our funding year. The monster recession which has, up to now been just a boggy man on the 5:00 news, has suddenly become very real as the State continues to cut millions of dollars out of crucial programs serving folks with disabilities and people who are low income. I lost one of my major funders, a forth of my budget was cut this year! I heard this, I saw the paperwork and numbers on how these cuts would affect my program but it did not sink in due to the fact the money I am operating on comes from yearly grants and I am still working on last year’s money and I will not feel the lacerating cuts until July 1. Guess what that is now less then 40 days away! The boss had top tell Chapman that “it’s been nice but you’re done here after the end of June.”

Then it was my turn, the bus stopped at the ends of the block slowly turned and then got me in it’s headlights, as I smiled at Chapman who was exited the bosses office , and headed into the office for my employment reality check. The bus was gaining speed as the boss closed the door and we small talked and she came to the point. Chapman was gone, a short timer and that I was going to take a hit too. I was caught in the metaphorical headlights but “jumped” at the last moment and was just nicked by the fender of the of the oncoming, out of control financial monster. I may be reduced just a few hours a week, my benefits well reman in place and I will continue having somewhere to come every morning of the work week.

The boss and the bookkeeper continue tumbling numbers and playing with the financial puzzle trying to come up with a better scenario. Hopefully keeping the pay check as viable as possible. Chapman has already started interviewing for other positions. She did a phone interview today one I think she will probably get and in the long run come out a lot better then if she had stayed here. I am going to miss Chapman and her incredibly, provocative and interesting life and her daily update of the dastardly deed of her late great husband and her quest for the perfect mate. And as the song says, I am again, “along again naturally

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