Saturday, May 09, 2009


I have spent all day reading grants but I just finished and now I feel the burden lifted. The grants this year were ok but nothing spectacular. A number of grants were the same as last year with just new cover pages and time lines:no thinking or creativity at all. To these I said "No". One guys asks for $100,000. each year. I have denied him the last couple rounds but he always gets the money. I will reward new and interesting ideas, repeaters I just say "no!". may be someday it will make a difference.

1 comment:

Camelia said...

Thanks for the support. Sure is crazy how when you experience something so extreme that you life changes dramatically and all you wish for is to go back to what you previously had - and then you kick yourself for ever thinking your life was poor/lacking to begin with.

I can't even begin to imagine how you feel, or felt - maybe you've come to terms with things. If worse comes to worse all I have to do is abandon everything and start over, I'm sorry that was never an option for you.

All the best, you're a much better person than I'll ever be.