Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's kind of been one of those days, the kind that you got one thing in mind of what you're going to do that but revelations from the Internet I E, e-mail totally rearrange your schedule. This is what happened is what to me when I opened up my e-mail directory and sure enough I had a meeting scheduled over lunch to 130. Luckily for me the days a beautiful day, breezy temperature in the 80s, a great day for cruising. The only issue if any is will my batteries handle the stress. This is really a pain in the butt, never knowing if you have enough power start off on and adventure we have enough juice to get back home, the office or whatever starting point you need to get back to. I felt for some time that the charge in my batteries have become weaker by having the charge so many times during the day to meet my daily transit commitments. My indicator read 93% that should be well enough to go come back anywhere I needed to go in the downtown area, I thought I would be okay.

By the time I got to Courthouse station I knew I knew I was in trouble. The power levels had fallen to 65% and I still had a ways to traverse to my meeting and back again. I wasn't too worried even if my batteries are depleted to the point it no longer moves the chair a call on Frank or Amy to come rescue me: disengage the clutches of push me back to the office where I could plug-in and restore my energy levels. I knew for sure I could probably make it back to the Arena Station here, I was a little spooked.

At Arena Station my indicator was way in the yellow and showing 36%, I knew soon I would be in the dreaded red zone. I was almost home though decide to go for broke. I pushed my chair and number two speed level, and some misguided belief that if one uses a lower speed one does not burn his energy as fast as tearing around high-speed. I made I got off the Arena grounds and crossed the street than I crossed the next Street.
I was worried that I would not have enough power to even come up on the crown of the road but I was pleasantly surprised chair just kept on going. I was pleased to find myself getting all the way to the front door of the office through the door and back home in my office. Soon as charged in building charge or.

So, I really am going to have to consider getting a new set of batteries for the chair. A new set of could easily pay ba pay back $400 I don't need that right but you got to do what you got to do.

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