Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Just Meat

I cannot believe how long I've been at the SNF and yet how much longer I have to go. As it so, I guess the lesson I have to take away from this, is that nothing belongs to me in this place is terribly corporate

So stands now I will be at the SNF for another month the whole month of February. That seems forever to me and then on top of that if things go well I will be off to the acute rehab facility whatever that's going to be for at least another 2 weeks so I still have a month and a half before I can even dream of going home to my own room to a new bed. What is really kind of spooky yes I am beginning to feel this place is my home, even though I know that's not the case I'm getting that feeling. Also strange is that even though I feel this is my home I have no control over my room. This seems to be a real ball breaker of a person at the top here at the facility that has got the CNAs terrified. They feel the rooms have to be immaculate so they are always in my room straightening up. So this might look really nice I'm always losing stuff nothing big nothing expensive are valuable its just little things like paper bags I use as well as I've lost two finger nail files, good ones. Plus everything I used to survive hour to hour day today is always put back to places I can't reach. Sure it looks neat but sure is a pain in the ass. Case in point the bag that I used to drain into. Case in point the bags and I use to drain into is always kids in somewhere out of sight usually in the bathroom. So when I come in from wherever and I need to use the bag to drain and I can't find it drives me up the wall.

So the message I take away from this is that nothing is mine in this joint and everything is terribly corporate everything has to look just right. That I am just meat, decoration, decoration for the bottom line on the tally sheet.

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