Sunday, April 24, 2016

Easy Does It

I'm a little worried about me and what I need to be doing as far as I continued rehabilitation/independence is concerned. When I was in the sniff as well as well as being cheap rehab facility and begin using my manual chair almost every day. I like the manual chair I need to be using and it was good for me to use it while I was in those facilities. I had every intention of continuing the use of that chair once I got home one reason particularly to save the house I am infamous for destroying things and particularly the house. My line of thinking beings that if I'm not things powerful and will be destroying the home front and I really believe that, however now they been home three weeks have not been in my manual chair once.

I really do love the manual chair but it does not love me or at least my body – – it's not the manual chairs fault. That sure has faithfully remain the same it is I who has changed. While I was in the sniff I inadvertently put on about 20 pounds!! I can't believe that put on 20 pounds I was heavy before or have even I should have been attending: add 20 pounds is criminal need to be whipped and whipped hard I don't know everything and be able to lose this weight however I'm trying right now. I'm actually on the diet and trying to stay true to that diet. I got on that diet while I was at the acute-care facility. Anyway back to the manual chair. Of course all the weight went right to my stomach and what I am feeling is that the extra drag of my stomach actually is for me off my chair what I freak out. So I really can't use the manual chair like I was intending. I'm going still going to force myself into the chair. I need to be using it especially around the House. What is that each day I'm finding that don't need to use it like I once thought that I did. I thought for some time the only way I could get dressed was in my manual chair but I have found, to my astonishment and pleasure, that I can actually get dressed in my power chair and with my tools and my power chair's ability to tilt in place and find it easier than anticipated to get dressed and undressed. I need the manual chair when I'm in the chair the Quickie I can surgically get around the house much easier than in the middle power chair. I can cook wash dishes and maybe workout with the weight equipment better with the quickie. Sure, there are drawbacks with the quickie and some of the weight equipment just because I am so white in the manual chair that the weight I'm trying to lift outweighs me and I shipped all over the place in the manual chair but I think I can overcome that given the long-term. I kind of think I need a deeper buckets in the chair to shove my ass into. Something that will keep me in the chair. I've even thought of perhaps putting a security belt on the chair somehow the lock me in. It might be worth exploring been having to get a whole new chair right off.

Garbage can shown at the top of page is a victim of my power chair there are walls in the house that is also incurred much physical trauma. I really trying to be better I know I can be better using the power chair's is just so easy.

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