Monday, April 11, 2016

New Beginnings Hard Beginnings

I'm home! I have actually been home three days and I have found the transition to be very challenging. Really quite spooked about the whole affair.. It is nice to have access to a quick and clean computer again try to write with. A little tablet is just about given out I think I've worn around altogether. I've started the process of looking for another small system but consider driving my feet on the whole process not Wanting to spend any more money than I have to right. There's just so much that I need to write about the last hundred and some days that boggles my mind. I wish I had done better job Of blogging aand perhaps even more importantly have been able to upload images during my stays at this sniff or the acute rehab facility. What I may do, because it's so much after-the-fact is just add a number of blog entries which kind of describe the times I had at the two facilities and be able to add a couple of images that were taken at those points in time.

The house is beautiful Dianne in the family worked very hard in remodeling making me house more livable for me which really humbles me a great deal. I have a new bed, I have a new range,, shower chair in my computer room has had a major do over. It is almost too much for me to get my mind around the whole shebang – – it's like a major gift. I now have to live up to the gift. I have to lose weight gain more strength and be able to be more independent. All those are going to be major challenges for me. I sometimes don't know if I can do it but I'm going to give it a try. Tomorrow, I meet with the folks over at Tosh to see what outpatient therapy is going to be like. Dianne had to do a major amount of advocating for me but was able to give me an within a week following my separation from the acute facility at IMC. I just hope I'll be able to make my commitments to the new rehab facility. I wish I felt better which I felt strong I wish I had not let them brainwash me into accepting an older me, more debilitated me then I thought that I was.

There are a couple of loose ends which must be tied off from the stay at the IMC facility. Most important of which to me is the modifications to my power wheelchair. We're looking at a cushion and a foot pedal configuration that I can live with . I'm not holding too much faith in this option but I'm willing to play it through to see what happens. I took a call early this morning the catheters seem to be on their way that's good. Tomorrow I am meeting with Tosh. Have not showered since I got home from the hospital – – so maybe to night We'll give the new shower chair and try.

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