Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cleaning Up The Mess

We are in the process of refinancing our home. To me this is a frightening task but one I suppose has to be done we are going to have any hope of keeping our property. In order to refinance we have to jump through a number of hoops which I suppose is expected for this kind of thing. So I was not all that surprised when my beautiful wife informed me this morning that I was going to have to figure out a way of getting rid of some of the things I've been holding onto for some time. This is a problem I have is I suppose you have noted over the years of reading this blog.

In order to complete the refinancing we have to have an inspection inside and outside of the property, which means clean up. On the side of the house is a stretch of concrete that goes to the back patio which is basically be come my domain. I've acquired a number of items over the years that I have fantasized and help with my stick project. I got these two Lathes soon after I gave my working laith away. I did not have a place for these machines and actually I needed To have some work done on the machines to make them more accessible to my needs. This of course never happened and now I suppose never while. That's okay I probably shouldn't be turning things anyway. I have been able to have the effect I want on the sticks I work on using either a belt sander, palm sander or just sand paper. I sure love the effect of turning one but I certainly don't need that for making my sticks especially the long sticks that don't fit a sander anyway at least not sander that I can afford.There are other items that need to be looked at as well. A couple Christmases ago actually a bunch of Christmases ago Dianne gave me this great device that has a number of workstations on it. Kind of like a Shop Smith just not mechanized. I have been used as a great deal, when I work on my wide, and it works pretty well. I think I would try to finagle a way to keep this because I do use it and I value it as a tool that fits my needs. Then there are the things inside the garage. I have to get in there and look around. However I'm not too threatened. I am ready to get rid of a lot of stuff if I need to in fact at all to come to this decision with my occupational therapist, Kasey.

My big issue is I am going to need help.I kind of would like to keep one of the lathes I could get it Accessible. This would take a lot of work basically transporting here to there and there to back. Then I still have to have a place to keep the equipment. But now one step at a time just have to start cleaning up the mess.

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