Friday, April 26, 2024

Another rainy day

 It kind of rained all day the forecaster said that would but I didn't really believe them so I barely stayed in the apartment all day. Watched a lot of a series I'm involved in right now kind of weird of course it's on Netflix and there's four seasons of this series so I am certainly getting my fill. The only problem is it's quite dark and quite violent. There's a lot of murderers and that's a little hard to stomach but I really like the actress/actor who is the star of the show Sandra Oh so I've been sticking with the series. I'm just afraid it's going to come to the end of one of the seasons and there will be no finish to the series in the fact that we left hanging or I'll be left hanging. Perhaps that's best as part of the mentality of thought processes in this day of age or you don't hold on to anything very long because it's always replaced by something else or there's more content somewhere else that can fill in the spot. I did work out today for a little while anyway 30 minutes which got me past the 200 minute mark- - actually that was yesterday so the day was just 30 minutes on top of the 200 in 10 minutes I did yesterday. Beside for that I don't have much to report this Friday and I have no great thoughts going on either too much TV- - right in the brain.

I actually did start the kid letters for the month of May. I didn't get anything dictated because the machine I'm using for that right now was totally out of juice it completely run out so I wouldn't have the tablet to dictate to so I ended up plugging it in getting it charged for tonight at least. So I spent part of the afternoon on the big computer with the printer do in the envelopes which I finished so that's a major part of the mail out is getting the envelopes printed and stamped. That being completed then I just have to start the letters. I guess that'll be tomorrow since tomorrow looks like it's going to be as rainy as today. Not a lot to go out on.

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