Monday, April 08, 2024

Monday's moans

 This was obviously a small box day, small box day from Amazon! I really become quite addicted to the whole phenomenon of receiving boxes and boxes of stuff which I ordered from Amazon. Sometimes they're big boxes sometimes small boxes sometimes bags but they're all gifts from Amazon. Of course gives that I ordered for myself and many times I forgot what I've ordered and I'm always surprised when I finally find something sharp enough to cut through the layers of tape whoever sent or wrapped my package felt was needed to secure the valuable contents. I'm just amazed at the amount of boxes Amazon Central must have to manage each day's shipments. As I said the heavy box today was one of two. The first box the light box was medical stuff which I'm totally thankful I can receive by the mail. The other box the heavier was quite baffling and it took a bit to get inside and I finally did. I was surprised yet somewhat pleased it was the four cans of spaghetti and meatballs I got from Chef Boyardee. One of my favorites I think I wrote about it last week. Four cans tightly wrapped in plastic, from the factory no doubt, someone had to take the four cans and match it to a box that would fit it snugly which they obviously did. I'm glad I didn't get the case of spaghetti and meatballs which I seriously considered. Poor little guy from Amazon would have a hernia by the time he delivered my case of Chef Boyardee. This was more of a test than anything else just to see what it was like to order the can product and to see if I wanted to do it more often in days to come. I kind of feel guilty as I stuffed one empty box into the other this evening right before I took him out to the dumpster and heaved him over the side. The boxes were great, in great shape and still very sturdy and I'm sure could have been used for a host of any number of items. There was a time when I would keep such a box around the apartment for how ever long before it either got trashed or somehow thrown away. Truth is, I just don't need this stuff around anymore I'm trying to declutter.

Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs or catheters they all come in boxes from the big black truck from Amazon. It's A Brave New World out there if I really wanted to become the isolate I feel I am sometimes and now I realize I could totally live on home delivery. I would never have to leave the confines of my little apartment I don't dare know how this would work with fresh fruit and such but I'm sure there's a way to do that. My ex totally lives off home delivery and doesn't quite well and she does use fresh vegetables quite a bit and rarely has been disappointed with the service she enjoys. I still have a hard time pulling the trigger and going for home delivery. I totally believe this winter will end temperatures will rise and I will be set to enjoy my trips across the street to the market where I shop for myself without the assistance of the little cardboard boxes or whatever else Amazon is using to ship these days...

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