Monday, April 15, 2024

C B&C Monday

 It's tax day and I barely noticed. They did talk a little bit about it this morning on the morning news that I listen to as I get ready for my staff to get here I'll give you my shower and such but aside from that it's just another day. I'm so glad that I'm done but the whole tax thing used to kind of freak me out if I get too close to it and think I might be at risk. Nothing Spooks me more than the thug booted tax man of the US government. But aside from that was a pretty productive day for the old guy. Of course it's Monday so I had Melissa threw in a load of wash and then I actually accomplished the cooking of the corned beef and cabbage! Seriously I threw the corned beef I purchased on Saturday into the Crock-Pot this morning around 10:00 and then basically let it do its thing. Like a dummy at some point I turned it off thinking I was turning it on low then realized my mistake turned it back on high and cooked it for a couple more hours before dinner time was closing in so that I threw in the vegetables the carrots, potatoes and of course the cabbage. It all turned out really well and because Marc Anthony gave me those great canisters bowls for Christmas or Father's Day or my birthday or whatever it's easy to save the leftover corned beef and cabbage for another meal or two or whatever I choose to use the leftover for I may go back and purchase a couple more briskets just because I couldn't believe how cheap they were at the market on Saturday. Just My Luck they're probably all gone now but they were in a bad price.

So the clothes are washed and folded I just have to put the pile of shorts over on the clean clothes pile and I should be done for the day. Melissa change the sheets this morning which means that I should have a really good night sleeping tonight with new sheets and the bed made up nice and neat. I still have a mess in the kitchen I need to clean up which I will do just a little bit tonight and leave the rest for tomorrow when I get back from my work downtown. I might clean out the Crock-Pot tonight just because it might be easier to do tonight than to wait for till tomorrow the dirt might be a little more loose tonight so when I have to wrestle it down. I still have pretty good time for him to do it in so I should be able to get to bed pretty decent time tonight get my reading done. The rain didn't come like they said it was going to but it certainly looked like it might at any time and for that reason I didn't go to the bank today. I've got to go to assist tomorrow so that means I will be downtown close to the bank by the Taco Time downtown so that should be good enough for me to go in there and get my business finished. Aside from that was a pretty good tax day. Stay away from the tax man.

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