Sunday, April 28, 2024


 It was a rather interesting Sunday for me today. I was up early this I am every Sunday that we go to breakfast of course so I can be sure that I'm dressed in time to meet the kids at the restaurant. I pretty much did okay except for not putting on one shoe, the one that does not stay on cuz the back is so broken. But I put the shoe on top of my foot so you couldn't see my foot and that works pretty well till Mark saw it then he worked my foot into that shoe and I was good for the rest of the day. But I was glad to be able to get 99% of myself dressed. Just one more of the challenges I see coming my way as I continue to age. The breakfast was really uneventful nice a lot of Chit Chat nothing too significant. Just enjoying each other's company. It was later in the day, like afternoon when I received a knock on my door and I was relatively shocked to find out it was my biological older brother Tony. I really like this guy but boy he's really beginning to look old. Anyway, a whole bunch of my family my Biologicals showed up maybe four of them. I really didn't have anywhere in my apartment to set things down and people down and of course it's always in chaos so we went up front and sat on some of the overstuffed chairs up there I had a short but significant visit. I really didn't know quite what to say or act. I just not have kept in contact with this group and it's not that I really don't want to it's just I don't feel anything for them per se which kind of shocks me sometimes. I always thought I had this fantasy that if I ever met my blood Kin I would feel an immediate bonding but if I have had no Sensations like that at all. If anything I have a bit of resentful feelings that they found me and now I want to drag me into the nucleus family. I know that sounds bad but I really feel one family is enough and My adoptive family is the best .. for me.

We had a pretty good visit for about 45 minutes and then they needed to get on to go visit another family member over in West Valley, who I have not really met yet and I think I've already offended her, actually they're going to meet at Denny's just down the street and wanted to know if I wanted to go but since I'd already been there for breakfast I really didn't have a desire to go back and really not to spend any time with the sister either and she's the one I think I offended when I remarked about how much I didn't like receiving forwards from the internet in my feed. I never heard from her again after I mentioned this but at the same time I didn't get any more forwards. Life's too short to spend with forwards.

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