Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Spaghetti and meatballs yum!

 It was truly spring like today temperatures got in the low 70s. Not a perfect spring day but much better than any of the days so far. I didn't take much Advantage however electing only the dash across the street and pick up a few things from the market and mainly get cash for letters and help that might come in and assist in cleaning up the apartment a little bit. A couple of my home health folks often will do that when they need money which is a gift for me though it's not very dependable as far as knowing when they'll be available. Poverty never takes a vacation and it's a shame that these Gallant workers are kept in poverty earning just enough to survive, purchase a drink or a Saturday night party or just the essentials. One of my favorites contacts me only when she needs quarters for a wash. Oh, I always tip her more than the $10 in quarters she does a good job when she focuses on the kitchen. She sleeps a good floor mops here and there but by and large is just a kitchen girl/person. I would like other parts of the apartment done at some point in time but doesn't seem to be in the cards for right now. However Missy my main CNA does a great job of sweeping up and she did today. Yesterday was a jazz game day so that means I had popcorn and I had all kinds of things that go Crunch and fall on the floor and then needed to be swept up. Missy what's right on top of it and I felt truly blessed. I worked out today coming to my bike 60 minutes. So, that makes 180 Minutes so far this week tomorrow will be another at least 30 minutes bike ride which will give me the 200 minutes I need. I did my bike pump after I got back from the market. I purchased a couple cans of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs one of my favorites I only wish I had an open campfire to heat them up on. There's nothing better than Chef Boyardee tinged with camp smoke to really bring out the true flavor. I did however have the remainder of the container of cottage cheese have been working on for a week or two which I think also adds a great deal to the experience of enjoyment of a Chef Boyardee product especially the raviolis. Parmesan cheese certainly adds a great deal to anything tomato based if you ask me. I wish I had the courage to order a case a Chef Boyardee that would be certainly nice and I still might do it at some point. In fact tonight for dinner I had a can of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs with cottage cheese it was splendid probably more calories than I need and I would have eaten more had I had it and not felt like a glutton if I had. I now have three other cans a Chef Boyardee I'm just waiting for another special reason to enjoy a special dinner +

I worked out today coming to my bike 60 minutes. So, that makes 180 Minutes so far this week tomorrow will be another at least 30 minutes bike ride which will give me the 200 minutes I need. I did my bike pump after I got back from the market. I purchased a couple cans of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs one of my favorites I only wish I had an open campfire to heat them up on. There's nothing better than Chef Boyardee tinged with camp smoke to really bring out the true flavor. I did however have the remainder of the container of cottage cheese have been working on for a week or two which I think also adds a great deal to the experience of enjoyment of a Chef Boyardee product especially the raviolis. Parmesan cheese certainly adds a great deal to anything tomato based if you ask me. I wish I had the courage to order a case a Chef Boyardee that would be certainly nice and I still might do it at some point. In fact tonight for dinner I had a can of Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs with cottage cheese it was splendid probably more calories than I need and I would have eaten more had I had it and not felt like a glutton if I had. I now have three other cans a Chef Boyardee I'm just waiting for another special reason to enjoy a special dinner

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