Thursday, April 25, 2024


 I started keeping six packs or more of soda around the apartment. I've never really done this before and I've just started just because I've realized that sometimes I like soda and something to drink. It's difficult for me to purchase liquid just because liquid is heavy by it's very nature water being heavy. So a six pack is not super heavy but it's heavy enough that when combined with all the other the other weight of the things I'm purchasing can get unruly at times. But now I'm disregarding the wait and making sure I have a carbonated drink in the apartment most of the time. I purchased a six pack of cherry Pepsi few weeks ago and still have half of the six pack left which I think is pretty cool cuz it takes me so long to consume these kinds of items. I think it's kind of a test I give myself like if I eat an enjoy or a peanut butter cup you know those two items there's two candies in each package? I like to eat one and leave the other one around to eat the next day or whenever as a means of depriving myself but testing myself to see if I can do it if I'm strong enough to resist the urge to eat the whole thing. This gets a little out of hand sometimes when they're just half consumed items around the apartment but usually it's not so bad and it's rewarding when I see I still have a piece of treat left consume it some point in time.

Tonight I actually dug what are the Pepsis that I've had in the refrigerator for the last couple weeks out to enjoy with my evening meal and Beyond. I've had it in the refrigerator in an awkward place so I take a lot of effort and well to pull it out tonight was the night. Pepsi is a new beverage to me I have not consumed it much in my life. My boss was a quite addicted Pepsi drinker and I had a few times with her and maybe once or twice growing up. I was raised not to drink Cola are that Cola was bad. I think my religious group thought that Cola was some sort of gateway drug to get you into the hard drinking functions of the world. I never thought it through that most of my friends at church drink Coke and Pepsi but we never did it was bad. Now I can't believe I went my whole life without consuming much Coke or Pepsi it's quite a refreshing drink. I opened the bottle tonight and took a couple hits then put the lid back on to keep the carbonation in let me finish it this evening before I go to bed and use the take my night time meds. I will have to drink this before I start my night routine of brushing my teeth flossing that kind of stuff cuz I don't like to drink any sugar after that point in time just because. I have to admit even now that I've intellectualized Pepsi and that it's okay to drink it I still feel a little Wicked every time I take a swig

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