Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Thinking of Thursday

It's insane how quick the weeks are evolving! I mean tomorrow's Thursday which means Friday is real close and then it's the weekend- - again! I'm sure it's an age thing it always is an age thing at this point anything that goes wrong has to do with Advanced age. The days are getting nicer as far as temperature goes I'm at least able to get out and get some sun on my face and legs sometimes during the day when I don't have anything else to do and it's not like I'm that busy it's just that I do have some things going on that sometimes monopolized by days, like some of the volunteer stuff I do we're meetings throughout the month that I need to attend whether in person or over the internet it's still a couple hours a month. I also work out almost every day of the week except Sunday. 200 minutes of arm biking over the week I usually get it done by Thursday. Even when I do have my 200 minutes behind me I sometimes like to do a few more minutes just so I'll sleep better or hedge my chances of sleeping better. Perhaps the most productive thing I did today was get the clothes washed folded and put away for the week.

I got a message from my old friend Lori reminded me that I'm meeting with her and our friend, tomorrow at my building. Of course I'd completely forgot that meeting even though when I checked my calendar there it was on the 25th. I can't remember why we're meeting maybe just to hang out I don't remember. Going to commandeer one of the small meeting rooms upstairs in this building for our little get together. I don't think I volunteered anything like potato chips or pizza but maybe it would be good to have some just in case people want to munch. I don't remember ever doing anything like this before with the group so it's sort of new territory at least for me. Lori if the reader will remember is a heavy duty do better and truly believes in the way things are. We typically have gone to a restaurant but for some reason we're not doing it this way this time. This really should be interesting. I was a little worried when I first read Lori's text because I just made a commitment for Thursday/ tomorrow earlier in the week fortunately we will be meeting later in the afternoon and I have my breakfast meeting tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. which gives me Bookoo amount of time between events. It still makes for a long day for this old guy. Hopefully, however the inclement weather which is coming this weekend will not be early so tomorrow even if it's very cloudy with a chance of storms. So it's going to be a busy Thursday and with the storm coming in later on tomorrow evening I will be glad to have my commitments done for the week and I can just kick back relax a little bit in the cooler weather perhaps maybe even more time than usual to do Netflix- - I'm currently involved in a series which I think I'm going to be sorry for. The other thing I can spend my time doing is finding the power cord for a laptop computer that I got for my son a few months ago I got it for myself but I really don't use a laptop as much as I'd like to think that I do. Then of course I ran over the machine and kind of broke the screen not the screen itself but the hinges that attach it to the system. Remember I got all targeted and shipped it out yesterday morning and of course I didn't have the cord. We spent about an hour searching for the cord tonight at the apartment it's not anywhere I can see right off but that doesn't mean anything. 

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