Sunday, January 03, 2021

Good Times – Fun Times


I guess I could figure it out and find out exactly what year this image was taken but suffice it to say it was about 87 or 88. We had quite a busy lifestyle that point in time rarely did we get any images of the whole family together. We have a couple of them but this is one of my favorites. Everybody was still sort of young even Dianne and myself.. It doesn't seem like that long ago but it was. I don't know what the occasion was that we got together for this image but obviously we had a professional take the image I'm not really quite sure what was done with the final result. We of course kept the large image that we had framed and stuck in the hallway at the Utahna House and of course I scanned the image in the hard drive where I found this copy this evening.

This image is taken on one of the kid days when we had enough control to structure such an event. Usually kid days were on Saturdays course. We would have to grab my kids who lived usually on the other side of the valley and then do whatever we were going to do. We didn't blend the families all the time just on special occasions. This was a time I won't get dorky and say a time of innocence will certainly before girlfriends are spouses or grandkids are part of the picture. We're still learning how to be a family particularly since if we got together is just on the weekends or occasionally national holidays. It was still a good time and a fun time. The time and I even had hair on the top of my head…

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