Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Pretentious Mark


This picture which I call “Pretentious Mark” is one of my favorite images of my early disability years. This image was taken at mom and dad's place when I believe I was living either at the dorm at Boise State University or living at the apartment complex called Protest one. I think this was either Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. I was kind of dressed up. I think these are even new Levi's so possibly Christmas dinner. One of the few images which survived with me in my beard.. Interesting to note that in my early days I lived under this fantasy that if I were to exit my wheelchair people would not notice my disability. That's true, it's not like I had monkey hands. I think it still look like I have the opposable thumbs. I've noticed with many paras they often ditch their chair any chance that you get. One of the big excuses I used to use for jumping out of my chair and do a couch or even just a regular chair was the comfort issue. Like any seating device is better than sitting in a chair and I still kind of believe that. Of course this is not an issue with the power chair as if you're so disabled but you have to rely on a power assistance device like an electric chair not going to be transferring independently anyway. If you look closely on my red socked foot I actually have on a pair of low-cut Converse All-Stars. It's really quite the pathetic image but I love it anyway and wish I had more of that time.

I still had money left on my Smith's gift card but I got for my friend Kent last week and today was a pretty decent day. The temperature actually got up in the 50s I have to keep telling myself it's January and were in big trouble because reluctant I have enough moisture this winter. That did not deter me however from going out jumping on the bus heading down to Smith's market on 41st St. and Redwood Road. More than anything else I wanted to get out and enjoy the day and put miles on my power chair. Grapes were just a distraction but I also picked up a broom the one I have I rolled over one too many times in my home health person declared dead. She broke off the offending piece which left quite a shortened cleaning device and let me know how much sweeping with the short room for her back .

The kind of like going a little out of my way to reach the Smith market. It's not as convenient as the market across the street from my apartment complex but in a lot of ways I think it's a better store. Having said that I'm racking up a little guilt because many of the employees at the market across the street I consider my friends and I feel that I'm abandoning them going down to Smith's oh well, I still have about $12 on my card…

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