Saturday, March 19, 2005

Lucky Nickel

Lucky NIckel Posted by Hello

Tomorrow is equinox, the first of Spring which mens today is the last full day of Winter. Blustery winds and clouds but some warmer temps. Warm enough to go to the neighbors and visit. Albert, my neighbor, was busy putting on a new screen door to his kitchen. A nice one too but the old one was nice too. The old door has great security bars which Al is planning to harvest those bars and put on other windows of his house—so the old screen door will still be there in spirit. As, I believe I have mentioned before, Al always stops what he is doing and talks with me. I must be careful though because Al always has things he has to get done. So I jabber for a while until I sense he is getting anxious then I leave. I watched him work on his door too. H e has some interesting problems with th new door. It seems the new door is a smaller door then the door he replaced. Al was trying to figure out how to add strips of wood to the door frame which, would allow the screen door work properly. This is going to take some heavy duty thinking and I realized I was probably holding up the progress of the project. As I was leaving Al reached into his pocket and handed me a coin and asked if I had seen one the coins before. It was shiny and new. I could tell this. Al told me this was one of the new nickel just minted. I had not heard of any new nickels being minted but here one was so I figured it had to be true. The nickel seemed smaller and lighter than my nickels. My first thought will the slot machines know the difference and this seemed most important at the moment. Albert assured me they were the same size. I had to get out of the so Al could get back to work. I handed the doing back but Al said for me to keep it. I t was my lucky nickel. Al was right as usual; because as I left his driveway rolling back to the house I felt very lucky.

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