Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Shots from the Hip


I am getting pretty good “shooting from the hip”. I have this new trick I do now, when I wish to covertly capture an image . As I have mentioned before. I now carry my digital round my neck so when I get a chance I can have easy access to the camera and greatly increase the probability of success when taking a picture. So, the camera is tethered round my neck sitting in my lap all I have to do is push the button with my thumb and the flash fires and I have a picture. I am still learning this process but think I am getting better. I have deleted a lot of images of ceilings, roofs of building and fingers. I have got a couple of fairly good captures though. I have to be subtle though, slowly turning my chair till I am face at the object I wish to “capture” then waiting till no one seems to be noticing me or looking in my direction. I then “thumb” the button and presto. I thought the flash would alert the folks but if they are not paying direct attention to what I am doing the seem not to even notice the event. I find this most interesting. I am not using my LCD anymore, in an effort to conserve my power so I have to wait till I can get somewhere nd then check to see what I have taken and the valure of these images. Even, then I have to really wait till I can get to a computer where I can down load the images to really appreciate the quality of the images I have harvested.

The image above is called A.M. Palooka. I was pulled from my morning revelry by a tapping sound and I caught arms flailing in my peripheral vision. When I looked direct, I saw this young man punching one of the loops hanging from the over head bars, in a boxer fashion. He was rolling his fists to hit the loop as if it were a punching bag. I really wish I had been fortunate enough to have gotten one of those images but alas I was just lucky to get this image of him standing in the rear of the car waiting to deboard the train.

Currently Reading: Science Fiction: The Best of 2002

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