Saturday, March 05, 2005

Saturday Things

All In all it has been a pretty good Saturday, not as productive as I would have liked but not too bad. I worked on the Mental Health Association in Utah website and finally go t the new newsletter up. I had some problem with some of the images Mack sent over but I got up one of the images and that will have to do. The whle process took a couple of hours. Posting that I went over to my buddy, Al’s. This was the firt I had been over for a couple of months. I had missed him and was glad to visit with him for a while. I can only really see him when the weather is warm enough to allow us to sit out by his back porch and talk. We have figured out a way to get me into the basement of his house but this takes quite bit of work and is a bit scary. Today there was a North wind but not too bad. We visited for a couple hours. Tomorrow I want to take a picture of his new crocuses. I wish I had digital today.

Later I instant messaged Mark for while but he and Jazz were just on their way out to feed the ducks at their complex. I messed with my computer a while then Dianne came home with Ani( looks like another sleepover) and we just finished dinner. Turkey nd mashed potatoes and gravy. I m fighting to stay awake. I wanted to get a couple of pages read in the latest book The Bourne Ultimatum , Robert Ludlum third novel in BOURNE series. I picked up at the library this last Thursday. The book is starting out very good. Ultimatum has started out great and holds promise. Lots of word and pages, should keep my reading busy well into the Spring.

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