Friday, July 15, 2005

Just a Mtter of Time

The heat continues to bare on me each day as I return from work in my slower then it could be chair. That's OK though I don't mind. I froze a water bottle today and I was cool as a rule. What was interesting though as I got off the train and rounded the corner and crossed the street and started my journey the six blocks to home I noticed a Coke can in the road. The can looked perfect as I came up on it just laying there in the road. I wondered for the first time 'what if there was a bomb in the can?'. I guess I have been thinking bout the events of London more than I had thought. It may have been the heat or the week or what ever I was half expecting the can to explode when I passed the can. The can did not explode. It was just a can of coke can thrown from a vehicle when the user was finished. But, the can could have been a bomb just that simple if there was a “sleep” cell in my neighborhood. Earlier this week I noticed a person carrying what looked to me like a ruck sack- a rucksack which was full of something. I really wanted to ask the guy to show me what was in his bag. I have become hyper vigilant. So, my entire trip home I thought how easy easy it would be for terrorists in the USA to strike—so many fat and full targets from which to choose. The pendants say that more strikes in the US inevitable, just a matter of time.

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