Friday, July 01, 2005

What A Difference A Night Makes

I thought sure I would be feeling more exhausted then I do. I was thrashed last night plain and simple. I really wanted to have the newsletter posted by the first. I did but the posting was not until this morning. I DID get the document posted but I still have some work to do on the page before I can let it go. I must move the last newsletter to the “Archive” page and update a couple of the other pages. What a trauma though it seemed none of my software worked correctly as will as I was being challenged by all of my hardware. The new machine does not have software I need but the zip drive works most of the time and the lap top has the software=dream weaver, but did not have a working ftp and the zip drive on that system is very flakey almost useless. Then the drive has gotten itself wedged in the zip drive and will not disengage. I finally hung the project up last night and went to bed.

This morning when I got up I found that Dianne needed a ride. She had her license suspended because of the meds she has been taken…I did not know..and she really needed me to take her to her Doc’s so the doc could sign the document needed so DMV could reinstate her driving privileges. I was freaked at first because I felt I really needed to get to the office and finish polishing the data for Tuesday meeting. This especially traumatic since I will not have Monday in office to do the last minute things. I ended up staying home this morning and driving Dianne round (made great husband points) then she dropped me off at the office so I could get the work on the data which is needed but I also decided to back the work on a floppy and work on the stats this weekend. Dianne indicated she would assist with their clean up. Dianne is quite good at this. I now have a few hours left in the office before I head for home to meet with the wheelchair technician, who is supposed to be by 4:00 p.m. I m feeling much better today then I did last night. I might even enjoy this holiday weekend.

1 comment:

riptideselkie said...

take it easy. try not to do too much. Husband points are important you know. we do keep a tally. : ) lol. good to talk to you today.
Hugs to you!!