Friday, August 19, 2005

Waiting Is The Worst

Waiting is the worst. Shelly and clan have been on the road since about 6:00 am from Medford. It’s now 6:00pm , so that is 11 hours. I figure the they should be pulling in anytime now. There are other variables which must be considered, traffic and vehicular dependability. I assume Shelly is packing her cell so if something were to go wrong they should be able to call. However, I tried to contact shell a few hours ago and as not able to make contact. So who knows. The problem I alluded to earlier in the week was just a dead battery—I hope. This is the first real road trip James’ new old Cadillac. This trip should really test the machine.

Dianne has been killing herself cleaning the house-Gabe and Bridget even helped last weekend but still things are all over but we are closer and I think we are on a roll. If we can just maintain after the visit and keep up going threw stuff and throwing away we might just get on top of the mess and reign the chaos in. Gabriel had a good idea which has been growing on me all day. He shared his thoughts with me last night. Gabe’s idea is to rent a unit and have the whole fam converge one weekend and move everything in the garage, shed and house into the storage unit. The house would be bare and wonderful and then we could catch our breath and work on the storage unit one weekend at a time till the unit is empty. I checked coming home from work today. There are same units up round the corner from the house. The are running a special currently three month for 19.95 a month. The three minute would be a great span of time use to clear the unit. If we started next month we could have the thing cleaned out by the New Year. I am not going to commit just yet—I have not even discussed the idea with Dianne yet. If fact Gabe suggests that I take Dianne on a weekend getaway to Wendover or such and the dirty deed would be done by the time we got back. This may be the least painful way.

Dianne has got the guest room available and sparkling, as is the garden bathroom. As far as I am concerned we are ready for business. Now it’s just the family politics to deal with—and there are lots of them. The visitors will be spread over two house holds, there are blended families involved and we want to have everyone together for an instant in time so we might able to get a family portrait update. There is also the question of congregate meals and one trip to Sanatquin to visit the venerated grandmother and Shellys step father and Charlie her brother—all this in 48 hours—they is headed back to Oregon Monday morning.

The phone just rang—it’s Shelly they are in Wendover two hours away. Dianne just screamed “IT’S REALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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