Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fools

Anakah is over for the weekend and as usual we are the first up. We had a great breakfast of hotdogs (micro-waved) and tea. We watched a little TV and just hung out. I noticed I got the paper there was a warm wind blowing but not too many clouds. So when Anakah started to get a little antsy about 11:30 I thought it would be a great day to go “walking” round the neighborhood. The clouds had thickened a bit but did not seem too threatening. I did make Anakah switch he sweater she was planning to wear with her parka. Anakah resisted a little but gave in. I got on my winter coat and we headed out.

Anakah ‘s favorite place to go I KFC. I tried to steer her to Panda Express but she would have none of that. We wandered up through our neighborhood till we finally got to State street and the home of our KFC. Anakah started out on my lap but finally switched to the back of my power chair. The clouds had darkened a bit more but the warm winds prevailed as we went in side. There were just three other customers present. We ordered and sat at one of our favorite tables near the door.

We were fortunate as the small restaurant began to fill up and I was amazed that for the most part all the customers were seniors—people even older then me. I got my standard four chicken wings, mashed potatoes and gravy and the cold slaw and Anakah got her “laptop” kids meal of chicken strips, mac and cheese and what ever else the throw in plus orange soda. So many seniors though. Singles sitting by themselves with their Coney Island dogs. A couple of old farts whom I thought would have been much more at a greasy spoon some where drinking coffee and talking politics. But here they were eating the least expensive meal on the menu tearing apart chicken pieces licking the bones clean. There were even a set of couples demoted from the All You Can Eat place where they used to go to a romantic interlude with the Colonel. Kinda broke my heart. I talked Anakah out of one of her chicken strips ( Anakah rarely eats her entire meal anyway. I tried to trade one of my chicken wings for the strip but she ended up giving me the strip without the trade. Cool.

We noticed immediately as we exited KFC the wind had picked up and there was bite to the wind we had not felt before. We had sort of played with the idea of maybe going to a couple of other stores while we were on state but the wind now was beginning to fill with rain and shard of snow! I made the decision we were going home. Anakah concurred. I bungied my legs together so Anakah would have a better platform to sit on and we headed home. We got about a block into our trip when we were drenched. Our hands were brittle with cold an Anakah was suffering. I remember I had my red rain slicker in the back pack so I had Anakah jump off my lap and get it. We covered up and plowed homeward. I had my face sticking out the face hole of the slicker and Anakah was completely covered up. We went a couple more blocks and Anakah jumped off and road the rest of the way on the back of the chair. We got home looking pitiful indeed but we had had a great adventure. We were truly April Fools.

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