Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lunch with the Gals

Lunch with the Gals

I had lunch with four friends yesterday—there is something magnificent in having a working lunch, or a lunch with work colleagues; even more magnificent when the lunch company are all women.  Lori, Shauna, Maree and me.  There was to be a fourth, Nonie but Nonie apparently could not make it.  Nonie is another story.   The four of us who did have lunch go back quite always.  Shauna is actually Lori’s daughter. Shauna is the only member of the group who does not have a disability but Shauna shares a position with her mother.  Shauna first entered our group a number of years a go where were part of the 2nd West Acting Company. 2nd West
Started from a grant from the local VSA(Very Special Arts) affiliate. We wrote, acted and produced a number of plays round SLC in the 90’s.

Maree and I also worked together with the State we were both (disability) information officers.  Maree is quite good and found a very good niche for her self over at the Disability Law Center where she earns very decent money. Maree is all serious about her information and she does very good information. I have to  admit I learned a great deal from Maree. Maree’s information is the purist information you will find. Her information is hard and will always withstand scrutiny.  Not that it matters but Maree  has a mobility disability but she gets around. She uses a scooter and is very visible.

Lori is a true romantic. Lori has a mobility disability too and had speech issues from time to time. Lori is a recovering catholic and works at the local independent living center.  Lori loves to act and she is also a writer.  Lori ,I believe, was the driving force behind the 2nd  West Acting Company.  In fact I am a published writer due to Lori.  Lori was employed at the VSA project here in Utah for quite some time. And opened many venues to people with disabilities in the local area.  She used to publish an anthology every year of folks with disabilities, writings and art work .  This was great I could always be assured of a listing or two in her yearly publication,.  Lori would usually have a reading when she would publish a new volume of the anthology. Real wine and cheese at the Art Space and real people to read in front of. A night to shine, strut your stuff and play the heady game of being artsy.

So we get together every couple of months, laugh, gossip and pretend to be part of the city’s elite art set. We talk loud and are pretentious, and order like we have real money. The waiter and management treat us as real folk. We act the part so well they love to have us.  We justify their sacrifice at access.  I am the only guy in this group, which is very good for me, but I have often wondered why me


Anonymous said...

You ask, "Why me?" I say, why not you??? You are cool and, if truth be told, probably get along better than most ... so enjoy your moments with the girls!

riptideselkie said...

why you? you kidding,i mean, I know i'm prbably biased, but you have awesome lunch conversation (dinner and breakfast too) and when you listen you really make a person feel listened too. :)

Meadowlark's Mind said...

"Whoa, Grashopper, somemuch said in so little words--such good haiku--love dad