Monday, February 12, 2007

$6.00 Burger

For once the item I got when I ordered actually looked similar to the same item

Commercialized. I should have stripped off my back and pulled out my Nikon and zipped an image and now I have eaten the evidence. I had to exit the office on my lunch break and run up to Jeannie’s and my route takes me right pass the Downtown Carl’s Jr. I have never been impressed with Carl’s menu and when ever one of Carl’s(CJ’s) commercial I always hoot it up exclaiming ‘the burger never looks like that”./ I had actually brought in a pretty some hotdogs and a can of soup but with the time crunch with the errand I decided I would just check out CJ’s one more time.

I have been seeing the latest CJ’s add showing a “$6.00” burger. I ordered the burger against my better judgment. Actually I was astonished to see that CJ’s offers a fairly wide Mexican menu specifically taco( ground beef tacos) CJ’s offer a platter of three tacos with Rice and beans for $4.99—that’s what I really wanted but could not justify the price and the mess. So I got the one paddy $6.00 meal, made from real angus beef. I wanted to ask served “if the “$6.00” menu is made from ‘real angus beef’ what are the regular Carl’s burgers made from. I would have asked but I did not know enough Spanish.

One of the things I have noticed the past couple of years is that the burgers I have ordered tend to be on the rare side and not a good ‘rare’ either ‘rare’ in the sense that the frozen meet paddy has barely had time to thaw before the ‘cook’ puts in on your bun. When I get is a soggy card board testing item they call a hamburger. So when I order a burger these days I always order they cook the burger well done.

I did all these things today at Carl jr’s and the burger came in a little box again I was surprised at how heavy the burger felt in it’s cute little box. I got rid of the burger box immediately since I had planned to eat the burger “on the roll” back to my office. I HAVER TO ADMIT I WAS TOTALLY IMPRESSED the burger was actually steaming when I pulled the burger free of the box and unwrapped it. The meat looked crisp too, the meat looked well done. The paddy was huge and the huge hunk of lettuce tried to ride the burger as well as the tomato onion goop. The burger could have been better if I ha stayed to eat the sandwich there. I would have added more salt and pepper, mustard and catsup. But as it was I had to eat on the fly. I stopped outside the establishment wrapped the open burger in a couple of provided napkins and trashed the rest. This was a great burger…I wished I had taken am image.

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