Saturday, February 03, 2007


There are three family birthdays this month—probably more but three in the Salt Lake County area and we celebrated them all today with a lunch at Chuck-A-rama.I was really expected a small group but by the time we ate lunch there was more then 12 of us there. The grand buffet and early lunch. We were in the mix with hundreds of seniors and huge Morman families scourging the piles of chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. There was some sort of fish offering but that fish is best left untouched. There is something just wrong with a buffet with only one meat selection. In the old days I would have bitched and moaned but today I just accepted the fare and ate. It was nice though being there with my brother and his family, and my daughter and son in law and grand daughter. My other kids were not able to be there and I missed them-Shelly is in another state and Mark and Brooks had to work.. It's just one of those things. I took my camera and fully intended on documented the event but from where I was sitting could just not get into the mood. I came away with no images at all. And perhaps that was best. So my birthday is past for this year and hopefully next year I will be more into the event.

I have a cousin Mike, Mike and I were born on the same day of the same year.We were pretty tight when we were younger. I have old black and white photos of us sharing the same party but having individual cakes. I remember being stuck in the middle of what seemed like a million cousins and there was a time when we came together often. But, I sort of felt like we were twins. Mike moved from Boise when I was seven and I did not see him again thirty or forty years. Then Mike came back into my life last year at the family reunion. What a shock. I thought Mike was long gone. I found out that my Mom has been in contact with my cousin all along. I felt this was weird for some reason. I had the same feeling last night when I called Mom to make sure arrangements were in place for today's lunch. She told me then she had just gotten off the with my cousin .Mom had called to wish him a “happy birthday”.She ended up giving me his phone number and suggesting I call him and wish him a happy birthday. Well, I was in the middle of a TV show and never got round to making the call. I still have not made the call but I intend to. I think I would like to be his friend but I am not sure I know how..

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