Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New Phone

Mark A stopped my last night with Jasmine to give me my birthday gift from them: a brand new cell phone. I have admit I was pretty excited at getting the new device and the process of switching over to the new phone. The process was complicated and I dare say I would have been quite lost with out Mark A’s intervention. I have enjoyed my old cell phone but the battery was not really holding much of a charge any longer an Mark advised me a whole new phone would cost nearly as much as the battery and he then sold me on the idea he would obtain the phone for me as my birthday gift. I have been playing with the phone all day trying to figure out new phone. Many of the features on this phone are similar to my old phone and some are just different enough I will have to spend time with the manual. I miss my ring tone and I will have to get a different then I have now. But the phone has a camera but not a flash: I don’t think it needs a flash from the quality of images it has taken so far. I even think there maybe some form of recording device with the cell phone similar to my camera. I have to invest in another charger so I will have a charger to either carry in my back back ( so I might be able to charge anywhere) or leave at my office so I can charge during the day when I need to. I might be able to get away with just having one charger but we will see. I would have o be way responsible for living with just one charger. I am also considering getting a blue tooth wireless headset. I make or get so few calls it would be hard to justify but sure would look cool with that lump of blue plastic snot hanging out of my like cancer ands me rolling round talking to my self like a candidate for Valley mental Health Services. I have to figure out how to send images from my computer storage area to cell phone so can get some more exciting wall paper.

All through this process I am trying to convince my self At how much I welcome change and embrace growth the exploration of new ideas and technology. I think the most reassuring thing mark told me last night as we transferred all the data from my old phone to the new was if something should happen to your new phone you can just have the old one set back up for use. This was very re-assuring to me.

I when I transferred into my power chair this morning to get to the train I noticed the batteries had not charged during the night, even though I had taken special measure to make sure the was plugged in and charging. So I took the van in this morning up to the station. I had enough juice to get from the station to the my office. I called the Magic Rest and I plan to drive into work tomorrow and then at lunch have TECH’S check out my chair. I think the non charging ha something to do with the controller being so loose. I really do not want to do that much rolling round at lunch but I fear I must…it’s always something

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