Friday, November 20, 2015

My Posse

I'm just back from working out at Wellness the Sugarhouse clinic. Today was the second day this week I made the clinic since I was released to physical activity Tuesday. I have to admit that I really like going to Wellness not so much for the physical Workout but for the Association I have with a number of the folks who come to Wellness..

One of those guys is an old fart named Tony. Tony is even older than I and It looks remarkably well and good for a guy his age. I don't know what brought Tony to Wellness but he is probably been going longer than I. He could be a stroke, head injury or something but not sure but as I said he's quite a character. He's one of these guys who yammer's a lot seems to try to make time with all the girls/female physical therapist and anyone else he can engage. Sometimes he wears you out but is always, at least for me, enjoyable to talk to. His only business last summer that I got to know a little of his background. I still not all that sure but he had one time worked pretty heavily in the motion picture industry. Did something in the background keeping things straight or something. Whatever it was, he seems to know everybody in the older industry, not so much the new Titans but the old Titans for sure. Even has his name on the number of credits for the amount of movies he has lost count on. I'm amazed/impressed with Tony.

Howard is another old guy who tends to hang with our group. Howard is really interesting. Knows wear shorts and he's older than I am excited been through the ringer couple times. Howard is from the East Coast and it looks the part. Yours has interesting tidbits but are discussing anything New York or the 50s and 60s. He called himself an old Jew – – nonpracticing. Howard has graduated From University, Which one I do not know. He's definitely been around the block and I don't know what his disability is although he is pretty high functioning. Do not see evidence of head injury are cerebral trauma of any kind. I think just bad bone/back kind of stuff.

Then there is Mark, actually there are a couple Marks: Mark K and March K. I call him Kirk because that's his last name and helps differentiate when all Marks are on the floor. Kirk has had some stenosis issues. Is older than I said quite a life. He small stature is headed back fused really has to rely on other folks to get by similar to me. Kirk often helps me with pillows, setting weights and other things around the gym I cannot do or get to. Is okay for the posse. Kendall is the other Mark. I think I've written about him before. When I first met Kendall I thought he was intellectually impaired but I enjoy talking to and Was impressed to find it actually had a career janitorial services at the Veterans Administration. I've not seen a lot of Kendall recently. For some reason Kendall hates Tony works his schedule around when he thinks Tony will not be in the gym, so I rarely see him anymore.

So this about posse the guys I work out with. They are a good bunch of guys My wish I knew better. I think I can get them together is coming Monday or Wednesday see if I can get a picture of us all that would be fun. Until then I am just using this picture of Tony, I call I his Frankenstein pose. It may not be nice but somehow it fits.

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