Friday, April 26, 2019

Avengers Endgame

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I really wanted to do my wash yesterday morning right after coffee but I was shocked at how many other folk had the same idea. I went three or four times into the wash area in the big machine was stuffed full and washing I finally realized that I just need to hang up with washing and figure out something else to do. I decide to saddle up and head down to UATP and pick up the foot blocks I had asked Tom Bowman to pick up for me and there there. But I'm getting sidetracked. This morning I washed clothes and dried of course and then decided to be totally irresponsible.

And of course, like the rest of the world, have been aware that Endgame, Marvel universes latest offering would be playing in theaters this weekend opening night to be Thursday. To be honest with you I had kind of thought this particular movie had already been released and I couldn't figure out what all the hoopla was about but begin to realize this was the opening weekend. I'm usually not a big fan of opening weekends, premieres in the such that something hooked me about this particular film. Perhaps, I become more and fault in the Marvel universe of late particularly as I have followed Ironman, and whatever subgroup is of the rocker, rocket, the tree kid, and all the rest. So I was kind of excited/fascinated with the concept of seeing them all together in this possibly final film. To be honest I began to get excited and I never get excited about this kind of stuff. I think of myself as to jaded possibly to adult in heaven forbid geriatric to be excited about a film's release and a film about comic book characters. But, I did become excited and I still am thinking back on the day.

I of course had to wait until the close dried enough that I could justify dragging them out of the dryer. I checked the times of the movies couple of times and decided that I would shoot for the 12 o'clock showing. This of course meant that I would not hang in fold clothes and opt to do but later on this afternoon or evening. I checked the bus schedule and felt comfortable that I'd be able to snag a bus to get down for the 12 o'clock showing. I know it sounds somewhat pedestrian but I wasted a lot of time searching for the my one chicken breast in the refrigerator (but I couldn't find it). I really want to cut my losses at the movie and bring treats from home. No drink, no popcorn, no candy from the theater. I really didn't believe finding seeding would be a problem but in fact actual showing Tribune sold out I noticed as I stood in line/sat/waiting to purchase my ticket. In fact I was really concerned that the 12 o'clock movie was going to be sold out it sounded like it was. I noticed that there was a seeding 1130 and I thought I was way too late for that showing these guys that film was in the RPX a specialized grandeur theater at least that's what they said to cost two dollars more than the other theater. On a whim, when I got to the box office I asked had the movie began and oddly enough he had not. I spent the extra two dollars and got to the movies.

All day long I've characterized myself as being totally responsible by dropping everything and headed out towards the movies. I should've been doing something more productive with my time and not spending the funds that I did for this movie. Sure I guess I could justify the fact that I worked all morning on chores, that I boot leg treats into the movie not spending inflated theater price for the treats and going to the super deluxe showing (and really you know I cannot even tell the difference over other theaters). It's nice to have the knowledge I'm in the second wave of Salt Lakers to see Endgame! Does it mean a whole hell of a lot but it was nice sitting under the big screen watching masters of the universe and all the rest battle, battle, battle…

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