Tuesday, April 30, 2019

I'm A Believer

I know I have written in this blog before about miracles and how I seem to be all about, miracles. And it's probably not just me, I am sure that miracles are out there all the time but I see the miracles in my life or at least I think I see them all the chances I have no idea of how miraculous my life is. It's true though I'm a walking – – wait scratch that – – rolling miracle.

For the last two weeks at least I have been feverishly, aggressively trying to get some repairs done on my power chair. I'm getting weird messages on my control screen and I'm sure I am no one to blame but still I'm trying to be a little proactive and starting the process. Because if something is happening to my major mode of transportation and I don't take care of it I am going to be in the world of hurt. I live by myself am taking care of by people I rent three days a week. I would like to think I'm Mr. master of my universe, that I'm in control, but I know the reality I live in and whatever reality of independence I like to think I have attained is only because of technology and some relatively sophisticated technology at that. Two messages flash up on my screens one that the joystick is out of alignment and two that my charger inhibitor function is operational. In fact the last week when that last message at flash up on my charger by forward motion would cease and many times so would my backward motion was going backwards for one reason or another. I said my power chair was becoming more and more involved and I had to do something I needed to do something or I was going to be stranded somewhere and I would not be happy not in the least bit. So I made the phone calls, I did the best that I thought that I could. I contacted first Brian my assistive technology A T guy. He's the salesman that I buy my chairs through, Brian indicated a need to speak with the people at the wheelchair shop. So I call these guys tell them my problem and they advised that they would love to help me out but they cannot do anything until I have authorization from my medical provider/insurance. Insurance will not move until they get notification from my physician Dr. Cara Reddy. Now, I like Dr. Reddy I am trying to build a relationship with Dr. Reddy and am trying so hard to not believe that she is a flake but for two weeks I've been trying to get her to authorize rehabilitation on my power chair which the boys in the shop must have before they'll even look at my chair – – I thought I had time.

Last night I went through my routine. Watching television till relatively late then stripping down and diving into my newly made bed. I felt pretty good. I've learned to be very careful as I prepare for my nights sleep to make sure I have catheters, slick, water, dick finder, and probably most important my cell phone charged and ready to go. I also make sure that I plug my power chair into the charger to make sure I have power for the coming day and what I might need.I'd carefully sidled up next to the bed's as close as I can get. Then I make sure the chairs plugged in and then I reset the mileage indicator back to zero. Last night I got naked and societal next to the bed reached down and plugged in the power chair when I backed up of course the warning indicators splashed on my screen. I found that if I go ahead and move the switch that the screen will go back to normal now be able to move the chair well, the screen never went back to normal it stayed in the warning position beeping. I found that I can sometimes actuate the chair during this process but not this time the chair was not taking any input from me. There I was in the chair that would move with warning signs flashing on my controller screen.

Fortunately and this is the gist of this day's blog for one reason or another perhaps to hire intervention are just dumb luck my chair stopped right next to my bed and I tumbled in. I always check out my charger and it was not functioning. Something is wrong and I messed around with the plug and got the charger to indicate it was in charging mode. I hoped that if I let the charger charge all night that perhaps the chair would reset itself. It did not happen.

The miracle is: the chair chose to stop next to my bed at 1130 at night. It could is stopped anywhere I'd been the last couple days. At the market, on the bus, on the train, downtown and on and on and on. Someone/something is looking out for me and I believe that totally, thanks…

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