Wednesday, May 29, 2024

3.3 Miles

 My odometer says I've done about 3 Mi today 3.3 MI which doesn't sound like a lot but when you're sitting in this chair it is quite a bit. A physical workout that really has me flexing my arms and back muscles that I have to keep myself in the chair. Luckily I have a good safety belt system that keeps me secured and relatively safe. I really go very farther this morning just up the street a little bit too a bunch of shops that are pretty much Hispanic in general I didn't really purchase anything and I had lunch at Wendy's which is just across the street at the shopping center at Macy's and that little section there. Then back to the apartment. It's hard to believe that that was 3 miles but I guess it was the odometer does not lie.

I don't know why the turmoil and Trauma happening at the Independent Living Center is affecting me the way that it does but it is. Last night I laid in bed for a while fretting about if there's any way I can help the center but I don't think they want my help. I got a memo today from not only Kim but Jan Bigelow who I'm sure are two people that are staying on to try to make sure the center doesn't completely go away. They are totally downsizing however and I'm sure it's a skeleton staff similar to the staff that we had when I came on board back in 84 there was just a handful of us not more than seven I don't think and I think that's the way that it's supposed to be. I think they got head over heels and services that they shouldn't be doing and lost focus of what they should have been doing which was to affect change on so many levels as opposed to client services. Client services are out there through other organizations that I think are just as effective if not more so than the independent living centers. There is certainly a lot of ringing of hands and National teeth however and support from all over the community. I haven't talked with my friend Kim likely who is now the interim director and not that he would really tell me anything if I asked him and I don't think that he probably should this is in the house junk that needs to stay in house except for the folks who really want to delve into it that really doesn't need to be delved into. I think the biggest event that I did today was when I came home and after I finished working out on my own bike I cook dinner I had the steak which I had thought out two days ago sitting in the refrigerator needs to be cooked it was one of the ones I sent away for and that meat program Ohio meats are Nebraska meats or Oklahoma meats or something like that they send you a box of meats that he's put in your freezer and use them as you want to chicken beef some pork. Also I needed I wanted to cook the pork chops I picked up this weekend at the market and didn't want them to sit anymore in the refrigerator and I certainly didn't want to freeze them so I cooked those tonight too and ate the steak for dinner with the potatoes that Marcia gave me it was a pretty good dinner but I should have had something green however. I just didn't have a way to keep it green or after like spinach or the beans. I'll just have to keep drinking or eating the concoction that I have green beans in and count that as my green for the day. This late again I must get ready for bed.

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