Saturday, May 18, 2024

Traffic jam


It's kind of interesting as more and more of the consumers here at the apartment complex are able to acquire mobile devices, scooters, power chairs and the like that suddenly there's no room in their apartment for these devices. This is never really been a problem before I'm not sure exactly why. I have heard about folks who have started leaving their equipment outside but management sort of got on their case really quickly and that ended but now that doesn't seem to be the case. I assume something will happen in the near future just because it really seems to be getting out of hand at least by my end of the hallway outside my door. I mean I have two power devices so I know how much room these things will take up in your apartment but that's something I'm willing to sacrifice to have the backup I might need at any given time if my regular chair gives out or like this week coming up I have to send my main chair into the shop for repairs I can use my backup chair- - even though I don't want to it's the only thing I have and I can pull it out power it up and use it for the day and a half that I might have to be without my regular chair. I know other folks have a lot more stuff in their apartment than I do in mine and I think I have a lot of stuff in mind but compared to what these guys have I guess there's really no comparison. I still think however we're really getting into a choke situation at the end of the hall I don't know how many of us going to take care of it. What are the chairs belongs to the lady upstairs who seems to have a lot of connections and I'm surprised that she's let this chair hang out here as long as he has since the person she was trying to sell it to pretty much indicated she didn't want it. I'm sort of interested in because it's almost exactly like the chair that I have now even with the elevator capability that would be a good backup chair I don't know if it would fit me it seems like it would but my eyes aren't very good as far as trying to adjudicate things off it into or not. I can still get around and I'm not above pushing one of the chairs out of the way so I can get in and out of my apartment if I need to be. I think all the folks who have their equipment out in the hallway seem to be cognizant of what they're doing and how it might affect the neighbors they're pretty easy going and will do anything after them so I don't think it'll be a problem in the long run. But I do know at times management gets pretty sensitive on this kind of stuff.

It was a beautiful day pretty warm not in the '80s or anything like that but in the mid 70s it was comfortable for me. I actually went to the market and hung out a little bit. I read out back as always and did some visiting over at the coffee shop this morning with one of my friends here at the facility. So what's a pretty good day. I'm kind of bummed just because the weatherman's been talking about a cold front moving in and moving all the temperatures back to the 60s for a little bit but I guess you got to take the cold with the warm, it'll be an interesting week..

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