Friday, May 24, 2024

Gone tooth gone

S it's not as if I was dreading this day but in truth, I was not looking forward to it either except for to get it out of the way so I can get on with my life and hopefully this summer at some point will finally start. I passed a pretty good evening again quite surprisingly and so thankful that Melissa came by helped me with my bowel movement things could have been so much worse. So today I felt comfortable that I would not have any issues or problems while in the dentist's chair. As I indicated I slept pretty well waking up around 6:00 a.m. and Melissa showed up about 20 minutes later and got me totally done before the time I had to be across the street getting ready for the dentist ordeal. I even had pizza for breakfast, the cold pizza from yesterday. It was the last meal for the tooth that's to be extracted today. I'm not sure how eating will go after all said and done this afternoon or this morning.

I was about 20 minutes early but the people took me right in and soon got me going with the positioning of the chair just the right way and getting me started on the nitric oxide. Feeling like I say one of the things I do look forward to is an hour or so under as much laughing gas as I can ingest. Everybody was in a good mood of course because not only I was there but it's also Friday and the holiday weekend on top of that but like one of the folks told me since they're always off on Monday anyway it's not that big a deal for them but still a holidays a holiday y'all know how I feel about that. I don't know if time slowed down while waiting for the ordeal to start but it seemed to me but one of the best things I enjoy about going under is all the thoughts that I have listening to the good old rock and roll music the dentist always has playing in the background. It's good '60s music always takes me back almost instantly but eventually he did put the dead thing into my mouth and after waiting a proper amount of time started the ordeal. Once we got into the process it seemed to go relatively quickly. There is a bit of a hassle I guess getting to what was left of the tooth and getting a good grip on the piece. He yanked and he yanked and finally sort of either a pop or a crash the piece let go from the job and the major tooth was gone except for what lives left over which was quite a bit seem like a lot of digging went on in order to free the roots and the other systems of the tooth. Suturing of course followed then some counseling on how to deal with the process of healing the tooth. I got three prescriptions for this ordeal and the next appointment is the latter part of June. I'll be getting the process of growing the stuff that the new tooth going to go into. The dentist put the new tooth stuff I guess which will grow around the new tooth they put in in a couple months I guess. But in 3 weeks I will have the stitches removed and I think then a couple of months they'll do actually do the the new tooth embedding we should give me an artificial grinder just kind of interesting I'll be interested to see how well it works. They gave me a prescription for 800 mg of not a painkiller but ibuprofen. I didn't necessarily want it but I thought well maybe I will take it just so I'll have backup. It's been quite a while now almost 12 hours since the ordeal maybe more I've taken one ibuprofen that's all that was right after I got home and I don't feel too bad it's not too bad I finished the rest of the pizza chewing on the other side of the mouth plus I had my concoction as well as cottage cheese for dinner they have all the stitches and stuff Exposed on the other side but I'll try to keep everything away from it. I think I'll take another Ibuprofen before I go to bed and the more antibiotic just to be sure if I can get it open. Spent the evening watching Marvel no better way..

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