Thursday, May 02, 2024

Fog rolling

I really don't know what's going on with me. Sometimes during the day I'm feeling pretty decent almost like my old self other times I feel like I'm still in the spiral of Doom. This morning I used my feeling ill as an excuse not to go to coffee but I really didn't feel like visiting with all the coffee heads well coffee heads this morning and besides I'm kind of worried about this is something Dreadful maybe I need to stay away from people. In fact I noted when I went to the fridge and got my drink of orange juice that I couldn't tell the orange juice or the flavor of the juice! Of course the first thing I thought I was covered since you lose your sensitized. Then I had a couple spoonfuls of the concoction and I could certainly feel the crunch in the sensation of the vegetables but again I couldn't really taste the concoction the juices are the vegetable flavors or anything. After I got through the panic I pretty much set aside the fear I went on with my day. I would have liked to have stayed in the apartment with the heat on just watching series and movies but I really need to go to the market to get some white bread and a few other things I think I needed I should have gotten big bottle of orange juice but I'll have to do that tomorrow I guess or maybe Saturday. I want to believe in orange juice I totally believe in it. I have faith it'll make me well. I'm still living on ibuprofen and what's ever in the night time cough medicine from the market. I guess I should be thankful getting this summertime flu/cold/ allergy out of the way early in the summer so I can enjoy the rest of the summer particularly while these spring days are so inclement with low temperatures and on and off rain. This weather lets me feel I'm doing something productive by getting better and I'm not losing any of the time I would have since I'd have to be in the house anyway usually during these cold days unless of course I had a meeting or something I had to be too then I'd go to the meeting in the cold. Rod fog rolling

The trees are all out now the blossoms are blown away in good strong leaves remained whipping in the wind brought on by the cold low pressure systems rushing through the area. Plus the grass is green everywhere at the park especially luckily the rain has made it possible that the have not had to use any sprinkler systems yet so that's a little bit of a blessing saving water. I tried to take my temperature this morning then realize that the battery in the thermometer I purchased at Walmart a couple years ago has all but run out. So with no temperature I don't know if I have one or not- - that didn't make sense but I think you know what I mean and I'm not going to go back and check it out or change it out- - I had to take the top off and some other little rubbery thing and see that there was a place for a small round battery to go in there so I don't know if it's worth the energy to get somebody to go over to Walmart or I can go over to the drugstore and purchase the battery and maybe have Melissa put it in the thermometer. Other than that it's been a pretty good Thursday night I wish I'd cook something for dinner there's no reason not to I got some great meat pies at the market I just want to drink juice I guess I'm going through that really fast too. I guess it's back to the market tomorrow or maybe I can stretch it till Saturday it's supposed to be warmer on Saturday 

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