Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Talking Tuesday

 Actually I was able to sleep in fairly well even waking up in the middle of the night to have to pee. But I got up made the transfer and got dressed all in time to catch the bus into the city for my assist meeting. It should have been a quick meeting we only had 11 names to process but the two other volunteers were there and they tend to Yammer quite a bit. I get a little spoiled when it's just me and the boss guy but we can do the names sign off and go on to the next name get the whole shooting match done. But with Robin and Caroline things can get bogged down really quickly. I made it through however and was relatively nice about the whole thing. I think I ingested way too much food today, of course I stopped off at Taco time just because it's across the street from the bank after I got quarters. I never know when folks are going to need quarters. After a relatively quick lunch I came straight home and basically hung out for the rest of the afternoon. I was kind of tired a lot today even though I got probably more sleep than I usually do. Actually the big event for the day was IHC coming to get my chair for the repairs. I charged the chair all day a couple days ago so I know it had a full charge that's the backup chair. Before they came however I got a hold of Melissa and we were able to switch chairs. It's going to be a challenge the next couple days from the transfers over to the chair itself and sitting on this cushion which doesn't do me a whole lot of good. I just totally hope that they will be able to get this done tomorrow and I'll have the chair by the time I have to go to the dentist on Friday morning. I have two days that should be enough time 2 days and two bowel movements. I got carried away with this chair and not being comfortable therefore I didn't get my 60 Minutes on the arm machine today and I feel really embarrassed about that. I managed to watch 3/4 of an Iron Man 3 and I just have enough time now to finish this posting do my journal and then get ready for bed. Luckily I don't have a lot of places to go in the next couple of days basically here at the facility. Coffee on Thursday and that's about it then I have the extraction on Friday morning and that'll do it for this week so even though it's Tuesday night I'm beginning to feel like it's another week gone- - which I guess it is

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