Saturday, May 25, 2024

Tooth trauma recovery

 You know the doc and that document they sent home with you in the little plastic pouch that gives you instructions on how to deal with the sutures inside your mouth all say not to play with or bother the stitches as I going through the healing process but I don't know how you cannot do that when you run your tongue across that many stitches it's just a more maturity if you ask me. I read the directions last night late and again this morning I'm doing everything probably wrong at least I'm not sucking on a straw but I'm a little worried that I didn't stick another wad of cotton up there in the socket. I just came home and started eating everything I get my hands on it seemed like mainly the old Pizza that I had the night before the leftovers chewing everything on the opposite side of the mouth but that piece of gauze/cot and whatever that is got totally soaked so I just spit it out and didn't put another one in didn't taste any blood so I didn't think it was bleeding anymore so I figured I'm okay now I don't know. I didn't put any ice on the wound but I didn't think it was too swollen either. I pretty much gone ahead as normal except for I have taken a couple of the ibuprofens the heavy duties things even though I haven't needed them I feel like I should take them just in case. I don't think I'll take one tonight if I do need to ibuprofen I've got just the regulars at my bedside where I usually keep them. I don't think the stitches are the wound kept me up last night I did have a bit of a difficult time going to sleep more difficult than usual but I think that was more the covers in the sheets then it was my mouth trauma but I could be wrong this morning I woke up around 3:30 and not didn't really get back to sleep. We are supposed to go to coffee and then I remembered at the last moment this guy who has the coffee shop across the street closes every 3-day holiday he can kind of drives me crazy when he closes on a Saturday even though the holidays on Monday. Anyway I was sort of hesitant to go out anyway because major storm was forecast. Janet wanted to go to coffee anyway but I don't think she really pays much attention to news and weather and stuff so she didn't hear anything of the torrential weather was supposed to be and of course it didn't happen we could have done the coffee and come back in time for what little bit of rain we got happened much later in the afternoon.

I'm trusting that my wound is healing and tomorrow will be better than today. I've been in contact with Marc Anthony and we're scheduled to go to breakfast in the morning which should be okay. Maybe I'll just have oatmeal. Sadly as I read my emails today I had a message from my granddaughter who wanted to come over and work on my door well that didn't happen cuz I didn't read my email till later on much later on in the day. For some reason my notification is off on my cell phone again. I hate that. Not hearing the alarm that I have a phone call and not being able to read my phone messages just about drives me crazy if I let it…

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