Friday, May 10, 2024

Slow cash

.I don't quite remember what I was doing this morning when suddenly my phone rang and I didn't really pay much attention just because I always get these trash calls or you know sales promotion type things. A few minutes later the phone rang again and that was at the table doing something but I didn't take the call then either and finally about a half an hour later was around my phone so I decided I'd lick to see who called and it was something called Utah try, that sounded Vaguely Familiar and then it dawned on me this is the renter rebate program of the Utah Tax Commission. This is quite a far ranging Commission but one of the things they do is this renters rebate and for people who are qualified then get anywhere from 2:00 to $350 back from their subsidized rents I guess. I've never really relied on renters rebate checks but they're nice to have around. I usually cash mine and then hide it in books or places in my apartment for what I need immediate cash for one reason or another. I often use it for tips for my home care people or whoever might be ofneed you know a little extra cash. I was pretty sure it was the folks following up as to why I haven't sent in the two documents they needed to send me my check. The truth of the matter is that I can't find it anywhere and I just about given up on the whole project when I started getting these phone calls. It seems like I told them just to forget it and I try to make the program next year they think that's pretty stupid and maybe I would be for passing up that much money. However, after the second try getting a hold of me I called back and spoke to Terry, the girl who's been working on my case. Quite frankly I am a bit amazed and quite intrigued that Terry is so passionately wanted to make sure that I got my renters rebate money. She finally figured out one half of the documentation I needed from last year's documents but I still needed to a figure from Utah Retirement. I immediately called Utah Retirement Systems and the lady wasn't really too excited to help me sort of insinuating that I needed to have a better filing system she said I just needed to have a separate folder for such documents, rather than getting into a knock-down drag out fight about how I did have such a document or folder and it didn't help I decided just to press the issue and yes she is sending me out the information- - she couldn't tell me over the phone it had to be sent in the mail so hopefully sometime next week I'll have this all behind me maybe in a couple more weeks a couple of hundred bucks to mess with through the summer...

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