Thursday, May 30, 2024

Park destruction

 When I travel to bed late last night probably around 11: 25 p.m. I realized I forgot to plug my power chair into it it's charger and that I would be at a limited ability to range today if I needed to. It wasn't that I was really too tired to get up again into my chair it was a bit spooked because I did not want to try to transfer then all the sudden not be able to and find myself hung up on the bed or my chair or Worse on the floor and probably have to have the fireman people come and get me back into bed. So I figured that today was Wednesday I did not have anything outside of the apartment to do and I really need to stay inside the apartment and finish up the kid letters for the month. Of course today is a bathing day which means I have to wait till Melissa gets here so I can get on with my day and of course she had a flat tire and was late very late usually get here around 8:30 a.m. today she did not get here till about 11:30 a.m. so essentially I lost a lot of time. I did finish printing the letters however and finally got them out into the mail. What was really fascinating in depressing, however, was that sometime this morning maybe early afternoon I kept hearing the beep beep beep of a warnings horn of a machinery put it backs up. Finally when I hooked up to my arm bike and was looking out the window I noticed major machines across from my window in the park moving back like iron dinosaurs.

Finishing my bike pump I rolled out to the corner of the park adjacent to our building and saw that everything was chain linked off and that there were a number of vehicles, work machines, literally ripping trees, mature beautiful trees out of the ground and being bulldozed over. Couple of the buildings have been destroyed but essentially the whole park has been shut down. I was not aware but I guess it would have been planned for some time that the park has been redesigned and the major destruction going on is to bring about a better Park- - which I doubt very seriously will happen. Maybe I'm just an old fart cantankerous and not liking change but I recoiled as they ripped the tree that I've watched for The Last 5 Years grow which is directly across from my apartment Window I often referred to as my tree and I still do even though it's nothing more now than a clump of shattered limbs and trunk and leaves. This is a major piece of work I do not know how long it will take to finish this project they've got themselves into I don't know if it'll be a year project or just over the summer but I think it's going to be a long time all things considered even longer for my heart to heal for the dozens of trees which have been destroyed… 

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