Monday, May 20, 2024

Marvelous Monday

 And just like that we're in the last 10 days of the month unbelievable. The day was overcast and quite cool compared to the rest of the month looks like we're going to be in for the number of cool to cold days before things start warming up again next week but that's just bringing Utah I'm used to it and it's okay by me. I've been sticking close by the apartments for the last couple of weeks just until this weather settles a little bit I don't want to get caught in Rain bursts. There is one today, luckily I was here at the apartment, it was great just to watch the rain fall outside my door. Aside from that I have the usual stresses but one more is that management here are the apartment complex is threatened to do some inspecting. I'm not too concerned or maybe I should be cuz my place is a pretty big mess right now. My caregiver Melissa works for a number of other people in the building here and they're all quite concerned about this building inspection or apartment inspection coming up. I think I might sweep up a little bit maybe even coerce Melissa and the mopping she's been doing a great job lately. It's just some things happening right now that got me a little bit spooked one of them is I'm giving up my chair tomorrow to have it taken into the shop for some repairs I'm not sure how it's going to be like when it gets back but that's then the now is that I don't know how I'm going to be able to deal with the other backup chair that I've got. It's very similar to this chair except that it doesn't have the elevator function which I use a lot but I can for go for 24 to 48 hours if I have to. The biggest concern is that the foot box is much smaller than the foot box I've gone to use on the big chair. It really does keep my feet in the Box I will just have to be careful with the other foot box of my backup chair make sure my feet stay on as much as they can till I can get them squared away and get myself secured in the chair. Jeannie who lives upstairs and is relatively new to this property actually has a chair just like the chairman right now elevator function and everything except for it doesn't have a foot box. I might ask the boys at the shop if they'll save this box and then I can either put it on the backup chair I've got now which has a small foot box r think about getting Jenny's chair and put in the foot box on it and so I would have a backup on it either way. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not too focused on the what ifs and don't end up living my life as much as I should. Anyway that's enough for tonight I want to get some rest in before I have to travel tomorrow to assist in downtown Salt Lake

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