Sunday, May 19, 2024

Rescue Me

 I don't know if I've ever told you guys or not but I live at the end of a hall of apartments. The door that leads to the outside is just on the other side of my door to my apartment. The doorway leads to the parking area as well as two giant dumpsters that everyone has to come down to throw the garbage away at some time during the week. The doors, there are two in succession, are electric and one has a key code on it that has to be actuated for it to open the door that leads into the building proper. They're magnetic locks so they make a big clunk when they're actuated. I think a lot of people hate this apartment and the one just across the hall from me because we're right there and we hear everything that goes on as far as entering and leaving the building when those doors crunk open. The door clunking is kind of fascinating because it goes on all night long and I can't figure that one out. I think right after 9:00 that's what I really kind of start paying attention to the doors. I think people are fastly taking care of business and going in and out as well as the car drivers who parked there and have to troop up to the elevator at the front of the building if they choose not to use the stairs off to the side of the hallway just as you enter in this building there's a locked door that leads people to walk up if that's what they want to do and not go all the way down to the front to access the elevator. The best part about this particular phenomenon is that the more you're exposed to it the less sensitive you get to the constant clunking of the doors while you're conscious. I don't even hear them while I sleep of course. The doors never keep me awake but always keep me in wonder as to who they are and what they're doing going in and out at 3:00 in the morning. What I like best about all this commotion is the fact that if I'm ever feeling a little Skitty sure spooked or whatever I rely on listening to the coming and goings to let me know that there are those that are still up and about in the building who could possibly help me if I really needed assistance- - if they could hear me. I don't know if I ever would be able to get someone's attention but I like to think that I could and that also makes me feel secure. I don't lock my door for a number of reasons the biggest is I'm always terrorized that I will lose my keys and therefore not be able to get into my apartment if I'm by myself and I want to get into the apartment. But probably most important is hoping that somebody walking past, when I need help, well first hear me and second open the door and come to the rescue…

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