Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day and my door

 Memorial day. I should really celebrate this holiday more than I do. I don't really have any did soldiers to go decorate Graves and all that kind of stuff. And I cannot get to anywhere that I have people buried in the area here particularly down to Santaquin to where the folks are. I couldn't even get to the graveyard where my neighbor is buried. The buses didn't run today of course it's always hard to tell some holidays they run some they don't this is one of the big ones I guess and so not today. I guess to reinforce the comment that I couldn't get even over to Murray to Al's grave had I wanted to. I mean chances are I wouldn't even have gone had I had adequate transportation. Maybe I would have gone South and spend some time trying to find Sheila's grave but I don't know. I spent the morning with my granddaughter and her boyfriend who I think will be ended up coming my grandson to in-law at some point. The two came over to help are to basically do my front door as we had talked about. The balloons that had been on the door to celebrate my birthday which later we do faces on now are ice cream cones with faces on them. I don't know if we'll keep them on there come fall but we talked about maybe towards the end of summer or early September start putting together the Autumn door. Maybe trees losing their leaves kids going back to school who knows? Certainly allows me to feel a little more in around my neighbors really go out of their way to do their doors. It was great working with the kids and I appreciate them taking the interest in me as always..

I woke up this morning feeling pretty decent actually had gotten some pretty deep sleep I reckon during the night. I was kind of excited because Melissa said she was coming around 6:00 a.m. which would give me a big start on the day of course this was immediately thwarted when I'm trying to transfer into my chair from the bed I didn't fall but my legs got out from underneath me and made it so I couldn't finish the transfer and my legs caught on the bed so I couldn't really get back into bed. I was about 3/4 on the bed but I couldn't disengage my foot from the chair- - if I did or could have I could have redone the transfer and didn't write I'm sure. I immediately texted Melissa who I don't think was awake and the 6:00 a.m. process didn't really start till 7:30 a.m. and I was glad that I was at least halfway in and out of bed I spent time on my cell phone just going different places on the internet and hanging out as best as I could. Like I said it wasn't painful but really is getting kind of spooky when I think about having to transfer now and don't know what I'm going to do as I continue to age and not being able to transfer at some point I've got to make that dreaded decision or going into some form of long-term care. At this point in time Melissa is great to have around she may not be there immediately but she eventually does come and she does not complain. I really pay your more than 10 bucks when she comes on the day she's not scheduled to help me in some kind of emergency. I know it's not realistic to think that she's going to be around for like ever I don't know what will happen if she leaves I'll just have to take each day at a time and try to be totally focused on my transfers it's spooky though

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