Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday night thoughts

 It's late the day got away from me, as seems to be the case these days. But the sun was out just a faint Breeze making a little uncomfortable but I did get some sun on my body and got the coffee this morning so all is good it was a pretty good day. I even got to the market picked up a few things to get me through the weekend and was able to hang out at the apartment and lean back in my chair to take the weight off my butt. I'm a little worried about some pressure issues feels like might be occurring. I'll have to have my care person look at me are my butt on Monday to see what happens. I also noticed some blood on my foot which says a little spooky and we'll have to have that looked at as well. What if I become one of those people who never wear shoes? I would have to design some kind of device to wear over my feet to give the illusion of shoes for those who have a hard time being with people who are barefooted particularly in public. I just cannot afford to have any kind of foot issues especially infections. Can lead to so many bad things when you're in a wheelchair. Historically I've healed pretty well and once we get this taken care of I should be all right. I'm a little worried that the cause of the skin breakdown is because of the spasticity in my feet causing my feet to roll to the side and put pressure on that bunion or callus or whatever I have on the side of my foot. I know this is a short one for Saturday night but it is late and I need to get headed to bed as far as I know I have breakfast in the morning with the fam..

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