Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday words

 I did some serious cooking tonight more so than usual. I made one of my favorite dishes which I call garbrock. I think we've talked about it before on this blog essentially it's fried tater tots sauteed in lots of garlic, onions celery and whatever else I can think the throw in there. I saw today those vegetables up then add the tater tots Frozen. I've had these tots for about 3 months now lurking in my freezer. I also throw in garlic powder if I have it of course liberal shakes of pepper and salt from time to time but essentially I think there's probably enough sodium in a lot of the ingredients that I don't really need to. I also throw in Hefty doses of cottage cheese and if I have it sour cream. I bought a container of sour cream I know last week and I put it in the refrigerator but I couldn't find it tonight to save my life so I didn't have it at least with the sour cream. Towards the end I threw in a couple eggs and some slices of cheddar cheese which I had kicking around along with the broccoli and the onions and then just let it cook for a while on low covered letting the flavors milled. I'm going to put the remainder of the dish in the refrigerator now that I'll be able to eat for the next couple of days. This morning I finished the last of the sloppy joes I made on Friday. I really like the sloppy joes particularly once they get to be drying out in the refrigerator. I usually cover them when they're in the dish but but today I didn't or this week I didn't. I just let the the burgers dry out and eat them cold usually in the morning in lieu of breakfast. I was kind of surprised because the tater tots didn't make as much garbrock as I would have liked it's not going to last me too long I can tell that now. While I was digging out the tater tots I found a pound of hamburger behind the tots that's been in there for some time I should use it up. I can make another batch of sloppy joe or I could do one of two things I could make meatloaf patties which I do really kind of like takes me back to a dish by mom used to make during the week when she didn't have time to put together a full meatloaf. Should just make the meatloaf material then Friday them and patties which I thought were great. But I'm thinking that I'll use the hamburger and make a big pot of spaghetti. I bought a couple cans of tomato sauce the other day and that might be sort of fun I don't have much in the way of real garlic and let anymore. I pretty much used it all in the dinner tonight so I'll have to do a run to the market for some real garlic. I do have a lot of garlic powder and ground garlic in the refrigerator - - does garlic go bad after a while? I don't think so I mean it's bad to start with isn't it? Anyway now I just have to put the rest of the dinner away and maybe sweep the floor before I go to bed. Tomorrow of course is coffee group so I could save the sweeping of the floor until tomorrow. I would like to go to bed a little bit early since I woke up this morning around 4:30 couldn't get back to sleep I've been doing pretty good though it's been a little time out in the sun and some time reading but it's been one of those Wednesdays

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