Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Extract this

 When I left my assist meeting last week the leader of our group wasn't sure if they had enough names to process to make a meeting today worthwhile coming in which was all that I needed yesterday when I was setting up a visit to my dentist. Even if they decide to have a meeting I was going to have to decline because I felt my trip to the dentist was much more important than it was.

I did not sleep much last night though I did okay throughout the day all things considered. But I read till 11:30 p.m. then turned over and actually went to sleep not waking up again till about 3:30 a.m. the pain was not excruciating but it was definitely there. I did take a couple ibuprofen and tried to get some more sleep it kind of work but not much. My appointment was for 10:00 a.m. so I surely didn't want to sleep past it. Finally got up at 6:00 a.m. and decided to get ready as quickly as I could which took me the rest of the morning. I finally got ready I was done getting ready by 9:45 and I zipped over to the dentist office. He didn't use the whole hour didn't need to at first glance they realized that I had a major infection going on and sad to say I was going to lose the whole tooth but I couldn't do it today because first I need to be on a regimen of antibiotics for about 10 days. I sort of suspected this so it didn't really freak me out it's sort of did as far as losing the tooth goes because as I said it's my final grinder. I think I can get by without the grinder if I really had to especially for the rest of my life I would figure something out. I think I mentioned earlier there would also be a gigantic cost for whatever as far as getting some kind of post over there that I can chew on. I was sitting in the chair for some time as they did all their talking and x-raying and making the final decision which was pretty easy there wasn't enough tooth left to actually fix. This was when the dentist, who I really like and the dedicated reader will know that that's spent some time working with him or at least visiting with him over some issues that had been going on in his life. I didn't realize it then that we had developed some kind of a bond. Anyway, the dentist pulls me aside and I think he is trying to not insult me but at the same time wanted me to make sure he knew that I would have some real challenges paying for a new post or tooth/ molar. He then told me if he charged what the going rate for something like this would be it'll be $4,000 roughly. This again did not surprise me but it made me want to consider how to go about doing something like this. That was when he started saying that where he would not or could not do it for free he would cut as much out as possible making my end sacrifice $1,000 or so and it wouldn't be written anywhere it wouldn't be in the books anywhere and if there was anybody that anybody had challenged it along the line like bookkeeping to just visit with him. I told him I could go a little bit higher than that so we kind of settled on $1,500. That's a lot of money for me even with options that I currently have open. But I can do it and it will give me something to chew on later on. In the meantime he of course gave me a prescription for something to work on the abscess. I of course went over and immediately filled the prescription and didn't take it till later on in the afternoon when the pain was sort of getting unbearable. I think I'll be in good Straits tomorrow once this first shot of antibiotic has a chance to start working on the bugger living inside my jaw/ tooth..

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