Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Making the switch

 I'm sitting here waiting for my caretaker/person to drop by and help me transfer from my backup chair to my main chair which came back for the shop this afternoon! I thought they were going to do a lot more to it than they did but that's okay they switched out the padding on my football and gave me a new armrest which I doubt it's going to last very long they never do. I think this is the way the wheelchair company scams/ skibs money off of the top of the insurance providers. Anyway, if my caretaker does not show up tonight I'll have to wait till probably Friday morning to make the transfer. It's almost frustrating but I have faith that my personal show up I know she's busy she's got to the clients plus her family to deal with. This is a done scheduled event so it's catch can and I appreciate her coming all the way over to do the switch out. It will require getting me slinged up raising me up transferring to cushion from this chair into the original chair. It's not necessarily difficult it's just a bit time-consuming especially if you've already worked a long day which Melissa has. I'm excited about getting back into my regular chair at least one that I trust. The backup chair I mean now I just don't know how far I would trust the chair to go if I had to go ranging off of the premises. I know I'm okay around here and all the driving I've done around the building today the indicator still shows 93% of the battery is available. I know in the past when I thought that I had a lot that this number goes down quite quickly. I'm sure I could get over to the market and back if I had to I really would feel queasy tried to go any further than that. Like if I had to go to the bank to cash a check I got in the mail today I would have to get on the bus then transfer onto another bus that would take me to the bank then back again. Actually I'm sure I could do it because really in reality I've only transferring or driving a couple of feet from the back of my gate to the bus stop and then from the bus stop by the bank 20 or 30 yards from the bus stop to the bank and Back Again so it's not really that far but enough of a risk that I didn't really consider. Besides my other quasi cleaning person needed quarters today so I need to stick around the apartment in case she dropped by so I can give her a roll of quarters and she would give me some cleaning in the kitchen. So, I enjoyed just hanging around the apartment waiting for whoever and whatever to show up. I'm looking forward to being back in my regular chair especially getting up in the morning with a decent foot box that I know will contain my feet- however I must admit this morning's transfer was pretty good and uneventful. Those are the best….

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