Friday, May 17, 2024

Night trauma

 Remember last night how I was going on and on about the gurgling and general stomach Rumblings I was experiencing? Well sadly around 11:30 as I was getting ready for bed I realized that I had dumped a load into my shorts that I didn't even realize I had done. And I guess they were so sealed in my shorts that I didn't get older or anything until I raised up to get my pants off and realized I had a load sitting there. Fortunately and I don't know how I did this but I was able to extricate my legs from the shorts without making a giant mess. Unbeknown to me however there is still quite a mess in the seat of my chair that I used the shirt I'd been wearing to stuff underneath me to try to stop up as much as I could which I did and then use my cheap Chucks are linensavers to basically wrap myself up so I wouldn't do damage to the rest of the bed and was able to sleep through the night actually until Melissa got here this morning around 6:35 a.m. Melissa is a great job of cleaning things up totally worth whatever I pay her and the candy bars that I buy for her everyday she's here. Posing out the clothes and the cushion on my power chair and then showering me got me ready for a new day. I felt kind of weak all day and a little leery of getting too far away from the apartment complex. So I spent a good deal of time out as always reading in the back parking lot one of my favorite spaces. I don't know if I'm being paranoid but almost feels like my stomachs begin to rumble again. I've had yogurt and cottage cheese and a lot of other stuff that's relatively soft and good for your stomach my stomach but I don't know where my stomach is at right now. I'm hoping I'll go to sleep sleep through the night and be okay tomorrow but we'll have to see. I'm still pleased at how well I was able to mitigate the issues presented me last night as I was going to bed.

I'm totally surprised at how well I've adjusted to the whole concept of pooping your pants not being the end of the world as I had labored under I'll bet you 45 years of my disability. Always thought that was the worst thing in the world that could happen not really putting into perspective that it happens to everybody disabled and non-disabled. As I outlined last night there was a time when this was not an issue and I could actually lift myself on and off the toilet and not worry about worst case scenario options like what happened last night. Now, with my caretaker that I have who is worth a bunch Plus one or two other caretakers that I've had in the past who have expressed support should I need them in a case like this I don't feel nearly as conflicted. I know that if something should happen even the worst case they would come over and take care of whatever I need it and get me back into life one way or the other. Life does not stop with a bowel movement

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