Friday, September 23, 2005


There is a storm approaching, nothing like the one hammering the gulf coast but for us her in the desert water is water. The storm is pushing out the high with has been in place for the past week, it’s warm right now in the 80’s till the front passes through then the lo 70’s. Tomorrow the low should still be here and the temps only in the 70’s.

This morning I had a meeting up at the State house. I was not sure about my bus connections—since I was using public transit I belt in an extra hour for travel. I stopped at same Wellers and picked up a copy of Ender’s Game for Evan. I don’t know when I’ll se Evan again but I will and I’ll have Enders Game to give him. I think Evan is ready and ripe for Orson Card. Since I was at Galavan Plaza and I had between to 15 minutes before the bus came to take me up the hill I took a minute and got some images of the downtown seagull art collection. There is one more statue I was not able to get this a.m.—the police gull riding the bike at the downtown police station. I included these images for the today’s offering,

It’s a blustery fall afternoon…yes it now official, we are in Fall, I thought Summer would never end. It’s carnival night! Tonight is Liberty Elementary carnival. I love school carnivals because you can get really great deals. My kids are long gone from Liberty but Kayla from across the street sold us some tickets and well, grab Anakah and make a night of it. I doubt they will have hot food offerings but that is all the more reason to go to KFC after. Dianne is excited about entering the cakewalk. The thought of winning one or two homemade cakes has had Dianne excited for two days.

One of my best memories is my schools carnivals at Campus elementary in Boise Idaho. It always felt so strange to be in the place where you went to school after hours, seeing your desk pushed against the wall to make room for what ever room you class room was changed to for the festive evening. The cake walk, fish pond, ping pong toss was all fun but what really got me interested in school carnival was the bookstore. I remember they would start collecting comic books right after school started in the fall and carnival they would have three or four cardboard boxed full of comic books, mad magazines, Sick, etc. What was really great that if you were round what was left of the comics as the place was shutting down they would almost give you the boxes of mags. This would be enough Batman and Superman to get me to the next carnival.

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